“F*ck you” Money
F*ck You Money means different things for different people.
For most people, it is a singular point. A specific number after which you’re free to live and behave the way you want. People consider it a “minimum hurdle” — a threshold after which you’re disentangled from the process of earning more of it.
However, it’s impractical to think about it like that. If you only have a certain number to surpass, you always run the risk of going below that.
One day, you suddenly realise you no more have the money.
It’s much better to have a range of money you deem as f*ck you money.
It can be $5M to $6M.
It can be $900K to $1.5M.
This range of money is what you should aspire to be in. Of course you can go over the range and earn more money. But, be cautious of not going below the range.
And that’s also the awesome thing about this. Everyone has different ambitions of f*ck you money.
Someone aspires of $100M while someone aspires of $1M.
Everyone has different lifestyles, different goals and different circumstances.
F*ck you money is your ticket to live and not give a f*ck about money.
The money is just an enabler here.
What you get in return is what counts.
- You will never again have to work in a job you hate because you can quit whenever you want to.
- You can retire early.
- You can travel the world as a nomad.
Most people chase money. Because they need it.
People chasing f*ck you money are trying to get rid of the need to chase money.
That’s the ultimate goal.
Getting rid of the need to chase money.
This post was created with Typeshare